Top three things you should know about pre-production phase of movie

Film industry is tough and there is a lot that needs to be done before even the production begins. From drawing up the script and storyboards to creating shot lists and refining the equipment lists, the pre-production phase of the film needs to be perfect to make sure that the creation of the movie goes as smoothly as possible. The tasks in the pre-production phase needs to be front and center. Nonetheless, the pre-production checklist is often overlooked. Here are a few essentials that you need to coordinate and confirm before you go in for the production of the movie:

Script is one of the biggest tools that is used throughout the movies. From pre-production to post-production, script needs to be regularly used and followed. However, as a film student, it is difficult to control the enthusiasm and not start the production of the film immediately. To create an exceptional fim, the script needs to be strong. You can and should only move forward with the script if it is up to par. In the American film industry , the majority of scriptwriters take the film classes in NYC to ensure that their art is in equilibrium with the quality of film they want to made.

After the script another thing you need to focus on is the budget. Budget plays a huge deal in the creation of a movie. No matter how big or small it is, a movie needs its budget to be appropriately planned. Some movies can be produced with a skeleton crew and a few actors. It is up to you to decide what kind of movie you are making and with what money you have.

Scheduling the shoot
After the script is finished and the budget is allocated, the shooting of the movie begins. The professional films use a variety of scheduling documents to make sure that the movie production goes according to the schedule. The key to organize the schedule is to make sure that the movie get completed in a few days. The easiest way to do is to create the lists of all the things that are required. From location to scenes in the script, everything can be used to create the list used for the scheduling.

However, the importance of these things can be understood only after you have had the chance to attend the film classes in NYC. 

If you want to learn more about filmmaking process? Contact Digital Film Academy (DFA). They offer basic and advanced filmmaking courses with full equipment use benefits after the graduation free of charge.
